At the Track

We'll note happenings at the national and local levels of racing.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm back, injured, but back

Hey, anonymous, thanks for noticing I've been gone a while.

I had an encounter with some pavement and broke my wrist on May 15. I'm still in a cast, but back nonetheless.

How's this for dedication - I went to the Coke 600. Had tickets on the start/finish line, and no sidewalk was going to get the best of me. Met lots of good race fans in Concord and got to see Humpy Wheeler retire. It was a might uncomfortable with a cast on the right paw, but folks I'd never met were always quick to help out.

As for the races, Brett Rowe and the Marshall car wrecked in qualifying for the Carquest, and Tony had a tire go down to lose the 600. And he'd have climbed the fence right in front of me. Words on the team radio weren't especially nice and I was jumping up and down screaming, "No! No!" Kasey Khane (whoo!) won the race. That wasn't so exciting, but I did pick him in the pool among my friends. And I still say he has the nicest mom in NASCAR. Tammy is a sweetheart. Here's a pic of me with her about a year ago.

Back to the Nationwide event on Saturday. Big brawl at the end of the race. You KNEW it was going to happen when out of the corners of your eyes you saw entire pit crews going over the wall and racing toward the middle of pit road. Brad Keselowski's from one end, Denny Hamlin's from the other. The Charlotte Observer ran a nearly half-page above the fold photo of the tussle. I'm scrapbooking that pic!

Well, nevertheless, I'm back at the helm. More stuff to come when I get caught up on work and racing locally.

Thanks for being patient!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. Hope you heal quickly.
I was wanting to comment to you about Nationwide Series and the local people involved. Have you ever tried to research NASCAR or the Nationwide Series to find local people that work for NASCAR now?
My husband has a good friend in the Nationwide Series, and the 'Milton Man' is doing a GREAT JOB!! We keep in touch with him on almost a daily basis.
Just wanted to say that I support our local people in NASCAR 100%!

Lee Ann Welch said...

Thanks for the thoughts, NCNative!

Actually I met a young man while I was at the 600 who's from Ona and working for one of the major PR firms representing NASCAR drivers. He is a regular reader of At the Track, and The Herald-Dispatch online.

I was wearing a We Are Marshall shirt and he stopped me on the pedestrian walkway at LMS.

I know there are some local folks working in the shops and the pits and would love to know who they are. The ones I find out about are generally by accident - a friend of a friend who knows someone... You get the picture.

If you - or anyone else - wants to send along information on folks you know working in NASCAR either in the offices, shops, souvenir lot, or the pits, let me know, I won't publish the information on the blog unless the person wants to be known.

I think it would make a great story for the newspaper!

So, send those names and contact information in to me! NASCAR employees and fans are a great community bunch - friendly, helpful, concerned.

readytorace said...

Lee Ann
So glad you are back. What did you think of yesterday's race? I must say it was a happy afternoon at my house.

Lee Ann Welch said...

Happy to be back, readytorace!

You gotta be part of the JR Nation. Actually, I was happy to see him stop the dry spell. Now if only Smoke could win a Cup race...

Honestly, yesterday's race was a big gamble for a bunch of drivers. Those boys on the box had to do the math just right to avoid looking bad. I think Mikey Walatrip's crew packed up the box before the end, they were so sure he had enough fuel. Of course, did it really matter? I like Mikey, but when was the last Victory Lane appearance for him?

My biggest surprise yesterday was the Roushkateers. Sure, they were top 10-finishers, but you know Jack thinks his team owns MIR and was probably practicing his #1 pose for the post-race celebration. Among my friends, I took backflippin' Carl Edwards to win. Oh well, that means I buy the winner a Hillbilly Hot Dog meal.